Toyota Ergo Lift
1st Place
Toyota / Autodesk Forklift Redesign Competition
An ergonomic controller that reduces repetitive stress injury
1st Place Award Winning Design
Toyota Autodesk Forklift Redesign Competition.
Design Focus
Gen Z
40% of labor force is ages 16-24. As the age range for workers changes, the design has to follow.
Controller Innovation
Controller innovation has been slow to take hold in the forklift market and its the perfect time to incorporate a new system.
Ergonomics and avoiding repetitive stress injuries is key to keeping employees focused and motivated.
Understanding Repetitive Stress
Repetitive Stress Injury
RSI is damage to your muscles, tendons or nerves caused by repetitive motions and constant use. It is accentuated by poor alignment of bone structure and joints.
Ergo Lift Alignment
Maintaining alignment in the joints and having good form all contribute to preventing RSI.
Generative Form and Down select
from over 500 permutations these 5 were the the finalists
An ergonomic forklift controller to reduce repetitive stress
Antimicribial Coating and Fork Angle Dial
Reverse Screen
Paddle Control System
Let’s Roll.
The sliding mechanism and buttons allow for smooth and easy control of the forklift. Their shape, positioning, and movement are all intended to aid in reducing stress on the user.